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As we navigate the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis, one thing holds true now more than ever: we are all in this together.

Blue Blueberries Food Fact Facebook Post

COSPU created The COSPU COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund in April of 2020 to benefit immigrant families who have suffered significant income loss due to the covid-19 pandemic and who do not qualify for the Federal stimulus plan. Thanks to the community's generosity we disbursed more than $26,000 of COVID relief funds during the second trimester of 2020.


In late December 2020, the COSPU Board decided to reactivate the COVID-19 Relief Fund prioritizing assistance to families that are limited in accessing emergency assistance due to language barriers, immigration status, or other obstacles.


Immigrant families and individuals in our community continue to face loss of jobs and/or reduced income, increased childcare expenses, and limited health care services due to the pandemic. The immigrant community has weathered a higher rate of COVID-19 infection and mortality in our community as compared to the general population these past nine months. Your generous donations will help us continue providing much-needed relief while dedicating other institutional funding for educational and advocacy efforts.


COSPU expects to receive at least 100 applications for assistance within the first two to four weeks. Having been advised by other community organizations that they decided not to manage a COVID-19 relief fund this trimester, we expect to field more requests for assistance than in previous rounds. We project that the first round of disbursements will be made as soon as possible and will continue for as long as funds remain available. COSPU expects to continue operating the COVID-19 relief fund for the next three months to assist additional immigrant families in our community.


While we continue with the uncertainty due to the Coronavirus crisis (COVID-19), the truth is that today more than ever. We are together in this! For COSPU, family comes first, which is why, together with our sponsors, we are pleased to announce our “COVID-19 Emergency Fund, 2021” in order to help those who are experiencing financial difficulties.


Has this crisis affected you financially? Are you having trouble bringing food home? Do you need help paying for electricity, water, and other services? If you answered YES to any of the previous questions, come closer, we may be able to help you.

Do you want to become a hero without a cape for a family in need in your community? Help us with your donation, no matter the amount. It is time to be united. In the valley, we are one family and we take care of each other. We always come together to help others and this time will be no exception.


When this pandemic is over and everything is back to normal, our community will be stronger and more united!
If you take care of yourself, you take care of us all.

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